These are exciting and challenging times for Haile, Tsedale and Ebenezer International Ministries! We would like to share with God’s people some of the immediate needs.
Printing Paper
Mishkel Minche Printing, Ebenezer’s print ministry has an opportunity to buy a years worth of paper at a reduced price. We are asking the Lord to provide the $40,000 needed by October 1st of this year. (This includes the paper cost plus shipping from India.)
Crosspointe School
Due to the worldwide pandemic Crosspointe School, like all others in Ethiopia, is shut down. There is no income for the school but the government is requiring all teachers salaries to be paid. In addition to this, many of the students who are orphans receive their meals through the school. Often these are the only meals they may have in a day. The support for the school salaies and food amount to $10,000 and is also needed by October 1st.
Missionary Support
As a part of the ongoing ministries of EIM, $7500 is needed to meet our missionaries salary obligations.
In total we are asking the Lord to provide $57,500 by October 1st, 2020.
We realize this is a large amount but we serve a big God. Pray with us for this need, share this need with others, and give as the Lord may provide. Thank you and God bless.
If the Lord leads you to contribute you may give online via Facebook, through our website or by mail. Online giving and the mailing address are both available on the web site at
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